October 31, 2023

The following is a comprehensive list of all updates released on the date above.


  • New technical contact feature where Partners can specify a specific technical contact person for ConnectBooster.

  • Updated an error message to include the Partner name instead of the ConnectBooster Support phone number.

  • New feature to support a PDF document format for ConnectBooster generated invoices.

  • New feature to provide Partners greater granular control over Customer Portal visibility settings.


  • Resolved an issue where payment methods could not be added in some gateways.

  • Resolved an issue where the Company Reconciliation Report displayed an unexpected error.

  • Resolved an issue where company level email tracking was inaccurate.

  • Resolved an issue where a long description in ConnectBooster generated invoices for QuickBooks Desktop did not text wrap correctly.

  • Resolved an issue where account summaries at the contact level did not send correctly.


  • None